Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊号: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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来源:电工电气发布时间:2017-02-18 09:18 浏览次数:6
(国网成都供电公司,四川 成都 610000)
    摘 要:检查气体绝缘金属封闭开关(GIS) 设备在扩建或大修后绝缘性能是否良好最有效的方式是现场交流耐压试验。在GIS 设备同频同相耐压试验方法现场应用的基础上,分析了同频同相耐压试验过程中的主要风险点,并提出通过调整变电站运行方式,采用X 射线可视化技术确保隔离开关可靠分闸,确认加压回路相别,以及采用特高频或超声波局部放电检测方法监视隔离开关绝缘状态等措施来降低试验过程中的风险,取得了良好效果。
    中图分类号:TM591;TM855     文献标识码:A     文章编号:1007-3175(2017)02-0052-04
Risk Analysis and Suppression Measure of Same Frequency and Phase
Withstand Voltage Test of Gas Insulated Switchgear Equipment
YANG Xin-chun, QIU Wei, HUANG Kun, LUO Yang, TIAN Zi-shan, ZHANG Rong-rong
(State Grid Chengdu Power Supply Company, Chengdu 610000, China)
    Abstract: Onsite alternating current withstand voltage test is the most effective way to verify the insulating property of gas insulated switchgear (GIS) equipment after extension or overhaul. On the basis of onsite application of same frequency and phase withstand voltage test of GIS equipment, this paper analyzed the main risk point in the process of same frequency and phase withstand voltage test. Transformer substation operation mode was adjusted and X-ray visualization technology was adopted to guarantee the disconnector tripping reliably and to affirm the pressing circuit phase. Ultrahigh frequency or ultrasonic partial discharge detection etc measures were used to monitor the insulation state of disconnector to reduce the risk in the test process with good results.
    Key words: gas insulated switchgear; alternating current withstand voltage test; same frequency and phase; risk point analysis; suppression
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